Is anything worth doing?

Argument presented in prose

Created by Adam Elga for Princeton FRS 105, 2013.

Relax! Why are you so worried about that air-raid siren? Look, either there's a bomb out there with your name on it, or not. If there is, nothing you do will stop it from getting you: going to the air-raid shelter won't help, praying won't help, staying out of the open won't help. That's just common sense. And if there's no bomb out there with your name on it, then you might as well relax and enjoy the sunshine out here in the plaza. Everyone knows that what you do can't save your life. Think of it this way. Imagine looking at video tapes of all of the people who died from bombs. None of the measures they took made any difference---even the ones who headed for shelters still got zapped. Now watch the video tapes of all of the people who didn't die from bombs. Nothing they did harmed them---the ones who just sat back and relaxed ended up as alive as the ones who ran around and worried. So stop being an idiot running around looking for the air-raid shelter.

Model visualization