
This page is to share materials for philosophers and other academics who wish to incorporate argument mapping into their teaching. Check back soon or join our mailing list for sample

  • short philosophical passages for mapping with your students

  • problem sets/homework assignments

  • written feedback for students

  • annotated solutions will be available by request.

Research on teaching with argument visualizations

Our article "Improving analytical reasoning and argument understanding: a quasi-experimental field study of argument visualization" is now available at npj Science of Learning: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41539-018-0038-5

If you have an article that you would liek to shareon tis website (approximately

Introduction to Philosophy With Argument Visualization

Materials for my CMU course are available at https://sites.google.com/andrew.cmu.edu/80100F19/

Problem sets are published at assignments/homework

Allowing students to submit MindMup maps to you for assessment

A Google Form that allows students to submit MindMup maps to you is live at submit.philmaps.com

This Google Form allows students to submit their work by uploading maps to a folder that links straight to your Google Drive. By requiring students to upload .mup files via a form like this one, you ensure that the latest possible time the file was modified was when it was submitted (i.e., students cannot continue to work on their assignments after submission). Google will also automatically populate a spreadsheet in your Drive where you can view and analyze any data you ask students to provide when they submit their work (e.g., how difficult they found the homework).

With this submission system you'll automatically get students' .mup files in a folder in your Drive, so you can comment on students' work and then easily return it to them . If you (or one of your TAs) asks a student to revise their work in light of your feedback, just give the student edit privileges when you return their work; then, when the student revises the submission, you'll be able to see the changes by returning to the file in your Drive. (Bookmark this link to display all of the maps in your Drive. Then, sort by 'last modified' to see which students have most recently revised their submissions in light of your feedback.

Multiple-choice argument mapping exercises for beginners

The problems at exercise.philmaps.com were produced in a UCRHSS-funded student-run project at Princeton University to create a library of argument analysis exercises. Many of these short exercises are drafts that have not been edited thoroughly; so before using them with students, please select questions which seem to work well to you.

This multiple choice problem server is not the final resting place of these passages; rather, I hope they will form the basis of a cool puzzle game based on visual argument analysis. If you're a talented coder (with drag and drop kung fu in spades), and you're interested in helping with this work, please get in touch with me at scullen at princeton dot edu!